Modern Slavery Statement
At Jumpstart Security, respecting human rights is inherent in our business operations and is embedded in our values, reflecting and shaping our behaviours and organisational culture. We seek to treat everyone fairly and consistently, creating a workplace and business environment that is safe, ethical, open, transparent and trusted. Aligning with our core values and beliefs, any action taken to date or planned in the future will enhance our ability to address the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
Our Commitment
Jumpstart Security is committed to:
- Ensure the risk of modern slavery practices within Jumpstart Security’s business operations is understood and addressed in accordance with internationally recognised principles and the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
- Eliminate the potential for modern slavery practices in our operations and supply chain.
- Utilise the due diligence that has been conducted to date, to create an action plan and set out next steps for Jumpstart Security to achieve its goals to address the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
- Ensure transparency with our employees, clients, suppliers and stakeholders regarding the progress to date, along with our commitment and intent.
- Develop a plan to measure the effectiveness of the approach taken to address the risks associated with modern slavery.
Modern Slavery Risk Areas and Mitigation Strategies
We have commenced our journey with rigour and taken meaningful steps to address modern slavery risks. We considered the areas in which Jumpstart Security could potentially cause, contribute to, or be directly linked to modern slavery through our operations and supply chain. The three areas of the business that are most susceptible to modern slavery risk are our staff, our clients and our supply chain.
The knowledge, skills and integrity of staff are Jumpstart Security’s most important asset. We have considered our recruitment, retention, remuneration and employment practices and the nature of our workforce as indicators to assess the risk of modern slavery within our workforce.
We firmly belive that the risk of modern slavery in relation to our staff is low, due to the level of skills and expertise of our resources and the locations within which our workforce operates.
Our core business involves providing professional services to our clients. Jumpstart Security faces the risk of entering into an arrangement with a client who may be implicated in modern slavery practices. Jumpstart Security could also, through association, be linked to modern slavery within the client environment through the provision of professional services.
Although Jumpstart Security rarely engages with entities that are outside of Australia in high risk regions, certain clients may have related entities and operations that are outside of Australia or operate in inherently high risk geographies.
Jumpstart Security engages with suppliers and outsourced service providers locally, and in some cases, globally. Certain products and services may have a higher risk of modern slavery because of the way they are produced, provided or used. Jumpstart Security is committed to understanding the risk of modern slavery that may be prevalent amongst our vendors to ensure we consider the risk and reputational impact of doing business with a vendor
Further Information
Should you require further information outside of what is disclosed in our Modern Slavery Statement, feel free to contact us.